vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro parani tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi (As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.) - Bhagavad Gita 2.22 Is reincarnation true? Didn’t you just read the sloka? Yes, but I am not devoid of doubts. Do you know who the father of our nation is? What! The father of the nation. Though I am quite sure you heard me the first time. Why? Gandhi of course! As you know, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated some six decades ago, and still we deal with a lot of Gandhi material on a daily basis. There are umpteen number of roads, public parks, colleges, libraries all named after him. Then there are some who live on through what they stood for their whole lives. Our former president APJ Abdul Kalam was a torchbeare
My personal space where I scribble whatever funny thoughts come to my mind. Actually, that is not entirely true. A lot of random thoughts enter and leave my mind all the time and the blog contains only a largely drilled down and censored subset of them. Also, there are reviews of certain movies that have fascinated the viewer in me. I would say the time you spent here would not be regretted.